Knowledge Compendium
Knowledge Compendium is a repository of the reports, insights and toolkits created by Safe Water Network from 2010 to 2024. This compendium comprises of a suite of sector reviews, spotlights, field insights, and digital toolkits among other best practices for sector dissemination.
WASH Toolkit
The WASH toolkit is a step-by-step approach for field-level functionaries, practitioners, GP officials, and officials at the Urban Local Bodies.
Rethinking Gender Equality through the Lens of Economic Empowerment in Water
This report shares the unique success of the SEWAH program, where women’s traditional roles of carrying water on their heads are supplanted by owning and operating local water stations.
Gender Toolkit
Gender Toolkit ‘Empowering Women in Safe Water Enterprises’ is a collection of field implementation practices in Safe Water Enterprises (SWEs) designed to empower women employed in the drinking water sector.
Uptime Global – SWE Audit Report
Safe Water Network’s service model is suitable for results-based contracting. Their iJal stations utilize a proprietary automated payment collection and water
dispensing system, with robust quality control processes that ensure data regarding technical operations are highly accurate. Furthermore, consumers are satisfied with the service and have stressed the importance of the stations for their health and livelihoods.
Private Sector Engagement in Water Supply
The report provides insights into the role and contributions India’s private sector can offer to bolster the country’s drinking water sector.
Women Safety Handbook
The handbook is an effort to create awareness and offer suggestions to reduce the crimes against urban women.
Mumbai City Assessment
This assessment of the drinking water supply in the City of Mumbai has been conducted to assess the gaps and challenges in providing drinking water supply and evaluate the potential of SWEs as a complementary solution.
Visakhapatnam City Assessment
This assessment of drinking water supply in the City of Visakhapatnam has been conducted to assess the gaps and challenges in providing drinking water supply and evaluate the potential of SWEs as a complementary solution.
Hyderabad City Assessment
This assessment of drinking water supply in the City of Hyderabad has been conducted to assess the gaps and challenges in providing drinking water supply and evaluate the potential of SWEs as a complementary solution.